Bourke Public School
Homework Policy
· is a valuable part of schooling
· allows for practising and consolidating work done in class
· provides training for students in planning and organising time
· develops a range of skills in identifying and using information resources
· establishes habits of study, concentration and self-discipline which will serve students for the rest of their lives
· strengthens home-school links
· reaffirms the role of parents and caregivers as partners in education
· provides parents and caregivers with insights into what is being taught in the classroom and the progress of their children.
1. At the beginning of each year the class teacher will inform parents/carers of the homework routine and procedures.
2. The amount of time that students are expected to spend on homework will depend upon the age, ability, home environment and extracurricular activities of students, including family and cultural obligations. It is important that students of all ages have opportunities for free time, leisure and physical activities outside of school.
3. Homework may come from a range of activities that may include completion of work, additional formal bookwork and tasks, reading, research, observation and data collection, designing and making and practising.
Examples: Reading - oral, silent, comprehension
Spelling - learning, writing, activities
English - including poetry
Research activities
Collecting pictures, cuttings
Parents and caregivers can help by:
· taking an active interest in homework
· ensuring that there is time set aside for homework
· encouraging and supporting students to complete homework
· providing, where possible, a dedicated place and desk for homework and study
· encouraging their children to read and take an interest in current events
· assisting teachers to monitor homework by signing completed work if requested and being aware of the amount of homework set
· communicating with teachers any concerns about the homework and their children's approach to the homework.
Teachers can help by:
· explaining to students and their parents or caregivers the purpose and benefits of homework
· ensuring students and parents or caregivers are aware of the school's homework policy
· providing quality homework activities related to class work
· setting a suitable amount of relevant homework
· ensuring that students are aware of what is expected of them, and how their work will be assessed
· marking homework promptly and appropriately, maintaining homework records and providing feedback to students and parents or caregivers
· alerting parents or caregivers of any developing problems concerning their children's homework and suggesting strategies that they can use to assist their children with their homework.
Students can help by:
· being aware of the importance of homework
· being aware of their school's homework policy
· completing homework within the given time frame
· alerting parents or caregivers to homework expectations
· seeking assistance from teachers and parents or caregivers when difficulties arise
· showing their homework to their parents or caregivers
· ensuring homework is of a high standard
· organising their time to ensure that sufficient time is given to quality homework within set deadlines.
Ratified by the teaching staff 19/04/10
Ratified by the P&C 27/04/10